As previously hinted in my last post, Leadership G.O.T B.O.R.N – birthed (or coined) from acronym for Group OTen Blocks ORefreshing Nuggets – has reached milestone one hundred (100); deserving of 100 thunderous applause. Hurrah! This is where that famous quote comes to mind – “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe. All you need to start that venture is starting.

As usual, you have ten (10) nuggets for your delight in this series. Kindly drop the gift of feedback in the appropriate form below.

1. Symbolic expression: Bichi was not a ‘bitch’ after all as key politicians openly (or unexpectedly) demonstrated unity and affection. Only fools make enemies for their sake. #nugget91

2. Learning should be life-long. Otherwise, breeding more technically ‘obsolete individuals’ will hurt the world big time. #nugget92

3. “Pseudo-scandal” is when celebrities ‘play ludo on others’ head’ to gain maximum impact. Learn “Pseudo-silence” for ‘one-one goalless draw’ to match. #nugget93

4. My #nuggets address hearts and minds mirroring the palms of our hands. Watch-out for Philosophies, Action-steps, Learning, Mind-sets or Success-tips (P.A.L.M.S). #nugget94

5. When someone tells you he’s an expert, do your homework else you’ll pay the costly price of ignorance. #nugget95

6. Africa is systematically disadvantaged because followers don’t learn from failure and leaders won’t learn from success. #nugget96

7. The business leader is not the business but his/her people are. He/she’s on top of the business to the extent his/her people are in control of resources including plant and machinery. #nugget97

8. Seeking righteousness & peace: Never attempt madness where crazy tendencies abound. No one has monopoly of insanity. #nugget98

9. Calm down: You can’t be angry or hateful and be ‘reasonable’. It’s either you are in control or under control. #nugget99

10. There is a river in someone’s heart yet stagnant as a well. Turn on the ‘switch’ for the flow that blesses you and the world at large from ‘the river that never runs dry’. #nugget100

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