Critical Questioning

An open mind does not adjudge any question as stupid. Does every question need an answer? The answer is outright “No”. Does every question have an answer? Think for a moment. In my opinion, the answer is “Yes”. Why? Every question – as a matter of fact must – have the right or wrong answers. The fact that a question is not answerable does not obliterate the fact that there is an answer. If we dig well enough following the right approach, we will definitely find the right answer.

There are simple questions that rather than elicit corresponding answers generate beefs founded on prejudices. Take for instance questions like, “Why does “white” Americans call Cops on “black” Americans?” and “What’s the difference between Nigeria and Niger? or “What will you do next, if patience and goodluck failed you?”. Let me take the last question for example. Politically inclined or adherents of APC or PDP (the dominant political parties in Nigeria) could erroneously relate the question to our former President and First Lady who left office in 2011 respectively. Just imagine what you could get in response to an innocent question begging for a sincere answer?

The act of questioning is one that every successful leaders have mastered with grits and guts. You can’t be a persistent/adept problem solver or change agent without being skillful at questioning? The importance of this skill is well crafted in a quote credited to Albert Einstein that says: “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”? This is highly instructive!

‘Critical Questioning’ belongs to the uncommon tripod or trinity of leadership’s critical acts or traits. Others are ‘Critical Reasoning’ and ‘Critical Thinking’. These demanding acts cannot be honed by lazy minds. The good news is that they can be learnt. Aside dedication and informed focus, you apparently need enduring patience to enable you make your own good-luck. Learn the habit of not giving up easily at questioning. Pay attention to successes and failures for continuous improvement. The fact that you can’t answer that question now doesn’t mean you should give up on finding the answer. We advance in leaps and bounds when enlightened in our dark areas. Never give up! I wish you Good-luck!!

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