About Me

Hello, I am CfA and it’s my pleasure to welcome you onboard this ‘web-page’.
My work experience spans over three decades comprising of 6 years in academics and 24 years in Oil & Gas industry. Being a purposeful leadership enthusiast, I am on a mission to sustainably develop leaders in geometrical proportions on the global stage. As a certified management specialist/leadership coach, I help business executives and aspiring leaders find solution to issues and fulfil their desired destinies.
I am guided by divinely crafted personal creed – founded on unique personal core values – that defines my leadership outlook. It would be my pleasure to walk, talk and work with you in discovering your purpose and truly become who you were destined to be. I am endowed with requisite knowledge and wisdom to ‘mutate’ Career, Executives, Leadership and Life (C.E.L.L.) through coaching (& mentoring) to Greatness In Appreciation and Net-worth Together Systematically (G.I.A.N.T.S.)

I am so excited to connect with you on this platform aimed at introducing you to my ‘multi-influential’ coaching ‘faces’. Please, connect with me beginning with this ‘multi-million dollar’ question: what is the coachable issue in your life right now and how can I help you gain clarity?
Let’s connect!
Yours Sincerely,
Coach famous Amos (CfA)
My Core Values

Discipline – the quality of being able to behave and work in compliance with principles, rules, laws, or standards. Nothing good, sane, or great can be achieved without discipline.
Excellence – the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. It means greatness – being the very best; striving to be the very best you can be and doing the best you can do consistently.
Creativity – the ability to transcend the ordinary. It connotes a phenomenon whereby something new, original, or ingenious is brought into existence
Integrity – the personal quality of fairness, being honest and having strong moral principles. It means always doing the right thing whether someone is watching you or not.
Dependability – the quality of being trustworthy and reliable. It is the quality that lets people know that you will fulfil promises to the best of your ability and be clear on your limitations.
Empathy – the ability to understand, share and being sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others. It is the attribute that makes care for others, psychological safety, and teamwork possible.
My Personal Creed
I am an ambassador of a divine movement fully endowed to Secure Our Assets Responsibly Helping Individuals Gain Heights.
This day, I hereby commit that integrity and excellence will be my lifestyle and I will do all within my power to help nurture exemplary leaders across the globe.
To this end, I will:
Begin and end my day with integrity and honour till I breath my last breath
Respect People and Esteem others better than myself
Uphold tenets of continuous improvement and creativity in all that I do
Never waste resources but ensure quality and timeliness to the best of my abilities
Be a role model worthy of emulation
So, help me God
My Personal Leadership Story
While growing up as a child, it didn’t take long for me to realise that truancy or delinquency of any sort is not my lot. Whether at home or in the school, anytime I fall out of the line, no matter how little or minute it might seem, I will be caught and dealt with. It doesn’t matter whether others get away with it, I just would not and that made me to wonder, why?
This experience taught me to uphold integrity as a lifestyle early in life. It also taught me to be disciplined, dedicated, and focus my attention on excellence in all that I do. These traits permeated every facet of my student life be it in academics, sporting activities or religious activities/assignments. Later in life, I understood that these are incredible virtues and values that set great leaders apart for outstanding impact/success.
In 1986, I had failed to secure the admission to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ibadan (UI) despite scoring well above the JAMB cut-off mark. A minimum of Credits in five (5) WASCE O’ level subjects – three (3) science subjects in addition to Mathematics and English – was required along with the JAMB requirement but I scored P7 in English Language. I was very pained by this unfortunate experience that I vowed never to find myself in such situation(s) again. It was the fundamental motivation behind my ambition to come out of the Federal University of Technology, Akure with First Class Honours.
Embedded in the journey towards achievement of above-mentioned goal are crucial pre-requisites for astute leadership such as self-leadership, strategy development, goal setting, planning, scheduling, execution, and routine performance reviews to mention but few. Of course, the seed of leadership sown had to be nurtured through experience, exposure, and expertise later in my adult life to where I am today. I am still learning and growing but quite fulfilled that I am growing many other associates as I journey through life.
There were many notable leadership stories I could have cited but the period in my life when I had a turn-around in my perspectives – about the need for sustainable leadership development – would suffice here. From 2008, a lot of issues were happening around me that made me delve into conscious understanding of my life purpose. I had been married for many years without a child, the call of God upon my life as a minister of the gospel required that I ‘settle my issues with God’ so I could be able to help others sort out theirs. In addition, my role in the office required a lot more than I had ever given in terms of direction, personal satisfaction, and attainment of business goals. I simply yearned for more!
Without any external help, I knew it was high time I sorted out “my why?”. It took me a while but under persistent scrutiny and resilient resolve, the moment of truth sprung up. Having gained clarity, I had a very clear mandate for myself and extended same to my team in 2010. It is to Secure Our Asset Responsibly on one hand whilst Helping Individuals Gain Heights on the other hand – S.O.A.R H.I.G.H.
On the backdrop of above unique experience, amazing feats have been achieved at professional, family, and spiritual dimensions. The life of many associates has been truly transformed and a lot more are being guided into their life’s purpose in succession. My transition from teaching to coaching and mentoring have been momentous in context, extent, and boundaries. I invite you to visit my personal creed, core values and mission statement on this website to learn more about my leadership journey.
If you would wish to know more about my amazing leadership journey, I would recommend you get my book titled “Leadership GOT BORN – A practical toolkit for aspiring leaders and mentors” to gain more insights.
I wish you all the very best!
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